Sunday, June 24, 2012


                      In life we are faced with so many obstacles, we are pleased when things are sweet and dandy, however the minute things get salty, we tend to sometimes act as though the world is over. Relationships are one thing that is not the easiest thing to manage, especially a strong healthy one! it takes so much to maintain one, but even though the love may be there and the feelings may be so strong, its what allows you to take control of your emotions alot of times!
           Have you ever wondered what allows you to get angry so easily when it comes to your mate?, or why is it that you allow your emotions to get to you so easily?...its that simple word called LOVE that is not as simple as many may think. Many of us get too comfortable with our mates, many of us accept things that we may not have normally accepted in life, its just what love does to us..we begin to seem crazy to others, or weird to many..but honestly we dont care, that key word love has the best of us..who cares what others think?
              Your friends and family begin to notice a difference in your behavior, and their are those that will love what your going through, but then they have those that will try to discourage you from being in love, those that talk from their past heartaches, those that are jealous of your new profound love, those that wants your time, but you only seem to have time for your boo now!!
                 You and your mate may seem like the Bonnie and Clyde or Ashford and Simpson of this era, but it really comes to a point in which you must realize that love do not pay the bills!!its highly advised that as you progress in the love department, that you still focus on yourself and your goals...its advised that you take heed also to the things your mate brings to your attention that may have annoyed them or they did not tolerate!!
                You want to keep everything pure & real, and you must allow yourself to take things back to the want things to be just as they were when you first started dating, dealing with each other, and being able to laugh and communicate like no want to still look into each others eyes and read other very well!!
             Time waits no one, so for what its worth, make the best of life as a whole..those that comes into your life and leaves footprints in your heart, make sure you show your appreciation to them NOW...and most of all, always do your best for yourself, accomplish your goals..make sure and take care of your responsibilities and support one another to the me,,it will make a total difference!!!
                Remember the one that has your back through thick and thin, and when things get a bit rocky, reflect on those great times, and instead of acting off of ignorance or immaturity (something i am guilty of), just sit back and reflect, remember the great times and the amount of times you have smiled, real love will stay real ONLY if its real!!

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